Personal Dictionary

Word Part of speech Image Definition Example I.P.A
preacher Noun (religion: minister) The preacher talked about original sin in his sermon today.  /ˈpriːtʃə/
law Noun (rule, regulation) The law is that you cannot go through a red traffic light.  /lɔː/
courts Noun (place where legal decisions are made) Wilson is due to appear in court this morning charged with armed robbery.
hurt Verb be painful His leg hurt for two days.  /hɜːt/
steak Noun cut of beef) Cut a thick steak for the barbecue.  /steɪk/
stormy Adjective (sky: threatening storms) I don't like the look of that stormy sky in the west. /ˈstɔːmɪ/
Citrine Noun (yellowish gemstone) I will buy a watch with a citrine  /ˈsɪtrɪn/
dextrin Noun
(thickening agent, adhesive) I extracted dextrin from starch  /ˈdɛkstrɪn/
Faff Noun fuss, bother the faff is bad for health /fæf/
Arcane Adjective esoteric, obscure This book examines the arcane practices of the Freemasons. /ɑːˈkeɪn/
Callous Adjective person: merciless Henry  was said to be a callous ruler.  /ˈkæləs/
chide preposision (tell off, reprimand) the preacher chide the bad energys  /tʃaɪd/
decry Verb (denounce) the police decry the villain  /dɪˈkraɪ/
demure Adjective (person: shy, modest) The boy is quite demure when grown-ups are around.  /dɪˈmjʊə/
elated Adjective (joyful) We were elated with the news about the wedding. /ɪˈleɪtɪd/
feral Adjective (animal: wild)  You have to be careful around feral dogs.  /ˈfɪərəl/
maverick Adjective-Noun (non-conformist) Sterne is one of the great maverick authors of English literature. /ˈmævərɪk/
rife Adjective (abundant, widespread) Poverty is rife in this part of the city. /raɪf/
vociferous Adjective (expressing strong opinion) Henry is one of the most vociferous students in the class. /vəʊˈsɪfərəs/
tronk Noun (White hair) My grandfather has many tronks in the hair  /trɒŋk/
trophic Adjective (concerning nutrition) the lion is the king of the trophic  /ˈtrɒfɪk/
pellucid Adjective (clear or translucent) My car is pellucid /pɛˈluːsɪd/
pemmican Noun (food: dried beef mixed with fat and dried fruit) The pemmican is healthy for my dog  /ˈpɛmɪkən/
sulk Verb (in moody silence) Imogen was sulking after her argument with her friend /sʌlk/
idle Adjective (person: doing nothing) The workers were idle because of the late shipment of materials. /ˈaɪdəl/
awful Adjective (terrible, horrid) There was an awful accident on the highway yesterday /ˈɔːfʊl/
kinky Adjective (hair: curly) Pam had kinky hair that was impossible to tame. /ˈkɪŋkɪ/
jigsaw Noun

(type of saw) The carpenter used a jigsaw for the detail work. /ˈdʒɪɡˌsɔː/
puny Adjective (person: weak, thin) The puny little boy couldn't even lift his sister. /ˈpjuːnɪ/
sketch Noun (quick drawing) Trevor's sketch showed the piece of furniture he planned to make. /skɛtʃ/
Trevor's sketch showed the piece of furniture he planned to make./skɛtʃ/
