Personal Dictionary
Word Part of speech Image Definition Example I.P.A preacher Noun (religion: minister) The preacher talked about original sin in his sermon today. /ˈpriːtʃə/ law Noun (rule, regulation) The law is that you cannot go through a red traffic light. /lɔː/ courts Noun (place where legal decisions are made) Wilson is due to appear in court this morning charged with armed robbery. hurt Verb be painful His leg hurt for two days. /hɜːt/ steak Noun cut of beef) Cut a thick steak for the barbecue. /steɪk/ stormy Adjective (sky: threatening storms) I don't like the look of that stormy sky in the west. /ˈstɔːmɪ/ Citrine Noun (yellowish gemstone) I will buy a watch with a citrine /ˈsɪtrɪn/ dextrin Noun (thickeni...