Ted Talks Video
Url: https://www.ted.com/talks/naoko_ishii_an_economic_case_for_saving_the_planet?language=en
Resume about Ted Talks video:
An Economic case for protecting the planet.
I japanese women talk about the damage that in the last years the society did to planet through actions like deforestation, the fish. Then she talk how avoid the polluting, the gases into the air, plactics and garbage into the rivers and oceans, Raise awareness to people that we have to care the air, the water, forest and the biodiversity. After she show that the world always have to involucrate the global commons in the bussines, the economy, our plicy making in all our actions. Fundamentally we need change 4 things. The first, change the cities for green cities. Second, change the energy system. Third, Change our production-comsuption system and Finally The Fourth, Change our food system, what to eat, and how to produce it.
Personal Comment:
I think that is a excellent video, with a very important message for all of us, we have to care the planet, the global commons because all share the same air, water and biodiversity. Only we can change the world if together we do it, The changes begin in the familys.
I'm person that enjoy participate in climatic change campaigns and for this reason I find in this video good information for implement in our country.