
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2018

the missing piece

Reflection My personal opinion about the history fristly takes you to analyze and make a question: ¿what i do for my life? A lot of people don't think in themselves, but think in the happinnes of the others (girlfrien, boyfriend), I don't say that is completely wrong, but God give you one life for that you enjoy, be happy and come true your dreams. I don't say that you will alone all the life but don't hurry, God have the control of your life, He decides when it's time for each moment, so you have to 

Summary, Biography And Personal Comment

The book tells the life of Clarisa, the protagonist of English origin is married to a deputy and is the mother of a teenager boy. The history of this book happens in only one day of the year 1923. when they start to retire the guests of a party that is celebrated in the mansion of the Dalloway. In the course of the day something tragic happens, the suicide of a young man who returned from the psychically disturbed war. All the events that happen in this book are narrate from the minds of the characters to build a complete picture, not only of Clarissa's life, but of the interwar social structure. Virginia Woolf  she was born on 25 january, 1882. The family lived Fyde Park and had a busy social life involvng artists, writers, politicians and aristocrats. By the age of 24, Virginia had suffered our deaths in the family wich were to have a significan effect o her health for the rest of her life. Her other Julia died when Virginia was only 13 years old. After the firs...

Ted Talks Video

  Url: https://www.ted.com/talks/naoko_ishii_an_economic_case_for_saving_the_planet?language=en  Resume about Ted Talks video:  An Economic case for protecting the planet. I japanese women talk about the damage that in the last years the society did to planet through actions like deforestation, the fish. Then she talk how avoid the polluting, the gases into the air, plactics and garbage into the rivers and oceans, Raise awareness to people that we have to care the air, the water, forest and the biodiversity. After she show that the world always have to involucrate the global commons in the bussines, the economy, our plicy making in all our actions. Fundamentally we need change 4 things. The first, change the cities for green cities. Second, change the energy system. Third, Change our production-comsuption system and Finally The Fourth, Change our food system, what to eat, and how to produce it. Personal Comment:  I think that is a excellent vi...